Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pic of the Day

      I'm going to start posting a pic a day of something weed related starting with this beautiful gif.  Look at all the crystals in there!

     I also noticed quite a few comments in the previous post asking how much a MFLB costs.  I bought mine for $75, but they are typically $100 depending on what accessories it comes with.  Some stores throw in a free grinder as well.  Pretty small price to pay for the value it gives you, not to mention it will pay for itself in it's efficiency in no time.


  1. what an amazing picture good resin production on the leafs and buds ofcourse d

  2. Nice budd, I feel like I'm stoned just looking at it.

  3. Know what strain that is?

    I'll be coming back here heh

  4. dude thats COOL it's like high definition pic wtf

  5. Love the picture, it looks like its in 3D. Its actually making me feel a little sleepy..

  6. Aw yeah. This gif gives me a boner, man xD

  7. That bud looks mighty smokable. Very nice crystal formation and long hairs. I would snap a bowl of that in a heartbeat.

  8. Pretty green bud. That stuff looks crazy delicious.

  9. Not really into weed anymore, but that looks pretty good. Nice agif by the way haha

  10. awesome pic, it looks super high-res as well. very nice!

  11. Makes me feel like I'm standing right in front of it. I might accidentally grab at it and ruin my laptop screen. XD

    Definitely following you
